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Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series

David is General Editor of the Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series with Andrew Woolley. The series is intended to be wide in scope, both in terms of chronology (historical need not be ‘early’) and of approach. David and Andrew are happy to offer informal advice to potential contributors. Further information about the series may be found here.

Aspects of Early English Keyboard Music Before c.1630

This collection of essays includes contributions from some of the top scholars working on early English keyboard music. John Koster writes on the harpsichord of the virginalists, who were in fact all organists by trade, so Dominic Gwynn surveys the organ of the period, whilst Magnus Williamson and John Harper consider aspects of performance practice in relation to the liturgy, and Frauke Jürgensen & Rachelle Taylor explore links between settings of Clarifica me.

Tihomir Popović argues that Henry Neville has been neglected when considering My Ladye Nevells Booke. My own contribution is a detailed study of Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Pieter Dirksen takes a source-based approach to establishing a canon of Bull's keyboard music, and David Ledbetter explores lute music and French style in relation to Orlando Gibbons.

The book not only contains some of the latest scholarship on early English keyboard music, but is also intended to guide the reader to what else is available. My introduction surveying the changing approaches to the study of this music is complemented by a bibliographical chapter by Richard Turbet.

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